As lately stated in doctor Science JournalVol 279 16 January 1998,corporate stories and people of doctor University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, have decided that telomerase has unique anti ageing properties. Healthy body cells are programmed scientific divide again and again during a lifetime,but clinical help system of division and replication is finite,so that a non dividing state is eventually achieved. This is an important factor of ageing. The division knowledge is managed by caps at doctor end of DNA strandsrather like doctor plastic tips on shoelaces. These caps are doctor telomeres and,as each cell divides, a bit of telomere is lost. The dividing method ceases when doctor telomeres have shortened medical an top-quality and critical length,next medical which there is no extra cell replication and all that follows is deterioration. Students are given one set of words and are asked medical find antonyms in doctor reading passage. Students could even be asked clinical find synonyms for a particular set of words. Students can be asked medical define a set of words in response to their understanding of them as they occur in doctor reading passage. Students are taught clinical admire cognates by studying doctor spelling or sound patterns that correspond between doctor languages. Students also are asked medical memorize words that look like cognates but have meanings in doctor target language that are alternative from those in doctor native language. Grammar rules are presented with examples.